We LOVE Carrot Cake! #CoolWhipFrosting |
Alison: If you've visited our blog before, you know that we never need a reason to have a special treat. We pretty much have them all the time. We're probably having more treats than you think because we don't share all of them here.
Susie: I know not of which you speak. Shhhhhhh. They are listening...
Alison: Oh geez, what is wrong with you?
Susie: There's still cake left...shhh. They might come find us and our cake. Have you no love of cake? Protect the cake!
Alison: Back to what I was saying, I had to go to Walmart without you to look for #CoolWhipFrosting. Due to the fact that you were sleeping, again.
Vanilla #CoolWhipFrosting |
Susie: Shopping is detestable. Besides you take for-ever when you go to the store.
Alison: Well someone has to buy things like groceries and clothes. We're getting off topic again. Did you even know
Cool Whip made frosting? Apparently its a new product. I had to call several stores before I found one in the area that carried it. The Walmart I went to didn't even carry all three flavors. They had chocolate and vanilla but no cream cheese. Which kinda sucked cause I was hoping to put cream cheese frosting on my carrot cake. But we went with vanilla instead.
Susie: You should have gotten chocolate. There was no choice. Only chocolate. You fail.
Alison: Chocolate frosting on carrot cake? I'm not too sure about that.
Susie: Madness. Chocolate + Anything = Yummy
Alison: Sounds a little too strange for me. Besides chocolate with carrots, raisins, walnuts and orange? That sounds icky. I'll make something chocolate the next time I make a treat. Besides everyone loves this carrot cake.
Carrot Cake Ingredients #CoolWhipFrosting |
Look at all the yummy things that go in the carrot cake. I know vanilla isn't your favorite, but you love carrots, walnuts and raisins. The batter is so thick.
Carrot Cake Batter ready for the oven. #CoolWhipFrosting |
Susie: Hmmm, you may continue. But I expect chocolate in my future.
Alison: Uh-huh, ignoring that; this cake always turns out perfectly. I never need to flatten out the layers before I frost it. Talking about frosting, its a good thing I bought two Cool Whip frostings. Even though the package said it was enough to frost a two layer nine inch cake, one container only frosted the bottom layer and most of the sides. It took almost another half of a container to completely frost the cake.
Full Frosted Carrot Cake #CoolWhipFrosting |
Susie: It did take a lot of frosting to fully frost the cake. Those walnuts do make it look more appealing. So when are you going to cut it?
Alison: You'll have to have yours later. You'll be sleeping by the time we cut it. Mom will probably get to have a piece before you.
Great afternoon for a special treat with #CoolWhipFrosting! |
Susie: Figures. I even helped frost it. I put the walnuts on top too. Seven and I will have a big piece when I get up. Carrot cake is breakfast food. Healthy and all.
Alison: See you'll get to have it for breakfast. That's even better than right before bed. A better way to start the day!
Susie: You're just saying that cause I can't have any right now.
Alison: That's not true. You know cake for breakfast is better than anything else you could have.
Susie: I guess so, but I still feel like you're tricking me.
Alison: *sigh* I'm not tricking you. It just isn't ready right now. You can also find recipe ideas at
Kraft Recipes. There is also going to be a #CoolWhipFrosting twitter party on Wednesday October 24th at 1 pm EST.
Slice of Carrot Cake #CoolWhipFrosting |
I quite like this frosting. The taste is a mix of Cool Whip and butter cream frosting. It's light and fluffy but has a very rich taste. A definite change from any frosting out there on the market.
There is a whole photo album of our shopping trip here on
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for
Collective Bias™ and Kraft Cool Whip. #CoolWhipFrosting #CBias #SocialFabric All opinions are my own.